Story Info

Jennifer Wilhoit
Bainbridge Island, Washington, USA 

Story & Experience

A transformer caught on fire last year and threatened a protected forestland a few minutes’ walk from my home. When the crew came to cut back the brush and trim the trees, they ended up clearing a huge swath of trees and brush; this greatly impacted the aesthetic of the forest path. Today we shared memories of the former (more treesy) condition of this area as well as the events surrounding the fire and subsequent clearing. Then we gleefully created this bird from moss, flowers, grasses, dried leaves, twigs, a rock, and one piece of electrical tape (leftover from the utility workers)—shaped perfectly like a beak.

A transformer caught on fire last year and threatened a protected forestland a few minutes’ walk from my home. When the crew came to cut back the brush and trim the trees, they ended up clearing a huge swath of trees and brush; this greatly impacted the aesthetic of the forest path. Today we shared memories of the former (more treesy) condition of this area as well as the events surrounding the fire and subsequent clearing. Then we gleefully created this bird from moss, flowers, grasses, dried leaves, twigs, a rock, and one piece of electrical tape (leftover from the utility workers)—shaped perfectly like a beak.

Bainbridge Island, Washington, USA 


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Radical Joy Revealed is a weekly message of inspiration about finding and making beauty in wounded places.