Story Info

Beatrice Pook
Stanford, Western Cape, South Africa

Story & Experience

When wondering which wounded place is calling today, the recently burned down main grocery store/supermarket in the center of our little village came to mind. There had been much unhappiness about the services of the shop. The fire came as a shock. I met the owner of the property before I went on to the now cleaned up site, and I also spoke to other villagers here about what kind of rebuild is envisaged, also what changes would be welcome. May the new beginnings bring joy for all and Earth!

When wondering which wounded place is calling today, the recently burned down main grocery store/supermarket in the center of our little village came to mind. There had been much unhappiness about the services of the shop. The fire came as a shock. I met the owner of the property before I went on to the now cleaned up site, and I also spoke to other villagers here about what kind of rebuild is envisaged, also what changes would be welcome. May the new beginnings bring joy for all and Earth!

Stanford, Western Cape, South Africa


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Radical Joy Revealed is a weekly message of inspiration about finding and making beauty in wounded places.