Earth Ceremony
Tuesday, October 31
Part of Deep Adaptation’s DEEP LIVE

The global climate activist community, Deep Live Gathering, offers their annual program, in person and online, to call attention to the drastic changes that the climate crisis is bringing us all and to explore ways of living with it.

Earth Ceremony, led by RadJoy member and Deep Live facilitator Sasha Daucus, is a version of the Global Earth Exchange. Participants will be joining in from Montenegro, England, Russia, Germany, and other locales, and they invite participation by all. The Deep Live Gathering site explains:

Choose a place that you can physically visit, ideally outside. It can be any place that calls your attention and that you have some curiosity about. It might be a place that shows signs of collapse and damage. As those of us who are part of Deep Adaptation know, we are likely to encounter an increasing number of wounded places as climate change gathers force, and it’s important to honor them for all they have given and can’t give anymore.


  • Baltimore

Making guerrilla beauty!

May 8th, 2019|

The Global Earth Exchange is a day when a variety of people around the world take the risk of looking in a new way at places others tend to avoid. There are many ways to participate. We like to say that there are 10 Ways You Can’t Do It Wrong—and many ways to do the RadJoy Practice during your event.