The Global Earth Exchange is a day when a variety of people around the world take the risk of looking in a new way at places others tend to avoid. There are many ways to participate. We like to say that there are 10 Ways You Can’t Do It Wrongand many ways to do the RadJoy Practice during your event.

You can download our Guidelines for suggestions and ideas for doing the RadJoy Practice at your event. Do keep in mind that these are guidelines only. It is important that you create an event that is right for the people participating and place for which you are offering it.

The most important aspects of your event are:

  1. showing up in person
  2. making a gift for the place

The RadJoy Bird

For their gift to their hurt place, many people make the RadJoy Bird out of materials the place itself provides. Your Bird could be made of stones, roots, a drawing in the sand, even people.

Your gift for the place might also include drumming… singing… splashing in the water… meditating… praying… making an offering… hugging a tree… planting… laughing… holding hands… cleaning up trash… making sculpture out of trash…. or anything else that feels right to you.


Please share your Global Earth Exchange on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Use the hashtag #GEXDARING].

Your Banner

We’ll be mailing your hand-painted Radical Joy for Hard Times banner in a few days. The upper side of the banner has a stitched slot through which you can insert a string, wire, or small stick. Hang your banner in the place you’ve chosen for your Global Earth Exchange as a way of preparing it for your event and taking a first step to re-establish your connection with this place.

Note that, in order to receive your banner, you must Register your Exchange Event place and details of your Global Earth Exchange on our website.

Image Credit:

  • Baltimore GEx: Lisa McCall & Autumn Van Ord


  • Baltimore

Making guerrilla beauty!

May 8th, 2019|

The Global Earth Exchange is a day when a variety of people around the world take the risk of looking in a new way at places others tend to avoid. There are many ways to participate. We like to say that there are 10 Ways You Can’t Do It Wrong—and many ways to do the RadJoy Practice during your event.