Story Info

2014 Logo (original)
Barbara Bitondo
Milwaukee, WI

Story & Experience

As it turns out the GEx in Wisconsin was nothing like I imagined or hoped it would be but rich for me nonetheless. I feel sad that I did not have my camera that day and that we could not do a formal exchange. I would prefer that my story not be included in any compilation or curation since it did not follow “the format”, we did not have the flag and we did not take any photos.This is what happened. 

We went to visit Lake Michigan after the day-long workshop and walked out by the lighthouse where we stood for a while, beholding the coal plant in Milwaukee which is under attack for not complying with EPA rules (see My friend Linda and I talked about how the visiting herbalist and group leader had declined to participate in the Global Earth Exchange, and how I felt about that, and we talked about the water around us and the issues surrounding the plant, and how essential it is to eat local food.

Our act of beauty was going home and intentionally making a beautiful feast of salmon from Lake Michigan, basil pesto harvested last year in Milwaukee, beats, wild rice hand harvested from upper Wisconsin, a hand-harvested salad made of 32 different ingredients, burdock pickles harvested last fall in Milwaukee, pear sauce from last fall, nettle ice cream from earlier in the spring, and sourdough bread baked that morning I feel so happy that people I reached out to and encouraged, and who others followed up with were involved:

Chris Royer
Liz Gold
Jay Stearns
Jed did something informal with his sisters on the land where they grew up
My friend Barbara did something informal on the southern coast of Connecticut

As it turns out the GEx in Wisconsin was nothing like I imagined or hoped it would be but rich for me nonetheless. I feel sad that I did not have my camera that day and that we could not do a formal exchange. I would prefer that my story not be included in any compilation or curation since it did not follow “the format”, we did not have the flag and we did not take any photos.This is what happened. 

We went to visit Lake Michigan after the day-long workshop and walked out by the lighthouse where we stood for a while, beholding the coal plant in Milwaukee which is under attack for not complying with EPA rules (see My friend Linda and I talked about how the visiting herbalist and group leader had declined to participate in the Global Earth Exchange, and how I felt about that, and we talked about the water around us and the issues surrounding the plant, and how essential it is to eat local food.

Our act of beauty was going home and intentionally making a beautiful feast of salmon from Lake Michigan, basil pesto harvested last year in Milwaukee, beats, wild rice hand harvested from upper Wisconsin, a hand-harvested salad made of 32 different ingredients, burdock pickles harvested last fall in Milwaukee, pear sauce from last fall, nettle ice cream from earlier in the spring, and sourdough bread baked that morning I feel so happy that people I reached out to and encouraged, and who others followed up with were involved:

Chris Royer
Liz Gold
Jay Stearns
Jed did something informal with his sisters on the land where they grew up
My friend Barbara did something informal on the southern coast of Connecticut

Milwaukee, WI


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Radical Joy Revealed is a weekly message of inspiration about finding and making beauty in wounded places.