The Ground Beneath Our Hearts was a global celebration of the creativity, dignity, and strength of people who live with mineral extraction.

Those living in communities severely impacted by mining and drilling often feel that the mineral riches below the ground are accorded higher value the people whose lives, lands, and stories are constantly under threat. Yet despite the challenges facing them, they continue to love and care about their home place.

On September 12, 2015, in twelve communities around the world, including sites listed among the Top Ten Most Polluted Places on Earth, people joined together to celebrate the human spirit and love of place by creating simple works of art or ceremony. Part festival, part live art, part staking a claim to where you belong, The Ground Beneath Our Hearts makes a living declaration that our home place is heart-ground—loved and important, even when it’s broken or under threat.

Our Partner Communities were from Azerbaijan, Philippines, Australia, South Africa, Ireland, the Colombian Amazon, and in the United States in West Virginia, California, and two in Colorado.

Watch the Ground Beneath Our Hearts video.