Story Info

christine morro
Camas Sgiotaig, Singing Sands, Isle of Eigg, Scotland

Story & Experience

a circle

an act to encourage life,  acknowledge kinship with the human and more than human world, humbly ask for instructions on how to live in right relationship with earth

a circle

an act to encourage life,  acknowledge kinship with the human and more than human world, humbly ask for instructions on how to live in right relationship with earth

Why this Place?

Camas Sgiotaig, Singing Sands, Isle of Eigg, Scotland

As an artist in residence at Sweeney’s Bothy on the Isle of Eigg,  I made daily walks to Laig Bay.  Crossing boggy terrain on foot I reached the path down to Singing Sands…fine quartz grains create the shoreline.  These sands are said to sing by the friction of walking.  I noted that the whole coastline was alive with song…the moss covered stones shaped like the moon, waist-high ferns, blue-bells, spotted heath orchids.  I wanted to acknowledge the integrity of this ancient coastline, the very pulse of life that i felt everywhere despite threats from climate change to the delicate balance of life on earth.

Act of Beauty

Say more about your actions and activity

I created a circle of long bands of kelp, bladderwrack, sea grass…a gathering of predecessors to plant life on earth.  A circle to honor symbiosis, sanctuary, co-operation, mystery and the aliveness of our planet.  acknowledging the sacred feminine.  Listening for guidance from our stone elders:  the ancient basalt cliffs, limestone and sandstone and the ebbing sea herself.


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Radical Joy Revealed is a weekly message of inspiration about finding and making beauty in wounded places.