T Johnson A RadJoy Bird Made For A Gas Fracking Site In Pennsylvania

In The Media

When the levees breached and New Orleans waters started surging under the front door of their home, Delores Ossevaito and her husband didn’t have time to grab anything except their two dogs before dashing outside, unmooring their boat, and jumping in. For four days and nights, as the detritus of Hurricane Katrina slurped around them, they had nothing to eat and no idea what was going to happen to them once the waters receded. It was tough, Ossevaito told a reporter. Then she added, “It was fun sleeping in the boat, though, because we could look out and look at all the stars.”[1]How extraordinary that a person could be seized with wonder while floating on a city-wide cesspool of waste, death, and loss; that she could, in fact, label any part of that experience as “fun” and admit that a gift of stars and a rocking boat for a bed had helped. Read more

Media Information

WHO: Trebbe Johnson
TITLE: Guerrilla Beauty
SOURCE: Minding Nature
DATE: May 1, 2021

LINK: Visit Media URL

TAG: Center for Humans and Nature, Guerrilla Beauty, Minding Nature, Trebbe Johnson


  • T Johnson A RadJoy Bird Made For A Gas Fracking Site In Pennsylvania

Guerrilla Beauty

When the levees breached and New Orleans waters started surging under the front door of their home, Delores Ossevaito and her husband didn’t have time to grab anything except their two dogs before dashing outside, [...]